Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Google Maps

I love Google maps, it has lots of uses. My son is moving to London, has found accommodation and looked at the address on Google Maps. We know how much traffic there is in the street, the size of the garden, distance to the station and his route to work.

I knew it existed and fiddled with it before, but never thought to use it for anything useful. I could have used it recently when planning a trip to Perth, for instance, trying to book an hotel, even with a map, it was tricky to envisage the location in relation to transport, shopping etc. Google maps would have been useful.

1 comment:

CCBelle said...

I did the same when my daughter was "working her .... off in a pub in London" her comment not mine. We got all the way down to finding then pub on the street - it was my attempt to be part of it all.