Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The challenge - 23 things

I have finally been pushed to explore blogging. This has arisen as a challenge in which everyone at my workplace, a University library, is taking part. It involves tackling 23 technological tasks eg. creating a blog, using facebook, flickr etc.

This blog will be a diary of my efforts to meet these challenges. I hope I can use what I learn to create a personal blog/blogs to follow up on some personal interests.

My first dilemma was whether to use Blogger or Wordpress. I had looked at websites which discussed the two, and had decided on Wordpress. However, reading the postings of 2 of my colleagues, on their newly created blogs, I was influenced by their criticisms of Wordpress and thought that I may be a little out of my depth.

I regularly read a couple of blogs related to my hobbies. I admire the amount of work involved and the dedication required to enthusiastically post daily updates that are interesting and informative.

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