Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Look at

First of all I am dropping the full stops, can't be bothered. My initial thoughts about delicious were the same as with digg - ok, not my thing, just because someone else is interested doesn't mean that it will interest me. However after some playing around I found sites that I have never found before on topics of interest. I have searched numerous times for free knitting patterns on the web. I have found some very interesting blogs with ideas and hints, some patterns, some very quirky patterns but no significant resource. However, following a few threads in delicious I found this site which is fantastic, hundreds of patterns, all categorised. In the 'quirky' category fall knit and crochet graffiti and microfibremilitia. I have not joined and probably won't, but I will keep looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you are 'dropping the full stops' ... so is delicious, in its next version. I think they realised it was a barrier to usage for a lot of people.